Every Month, I will put up two new trivia questions. If you know the answer, please email me at Scarlett745836@aol.com If you get it right, you will win the award displayed below. July's Questions Are... 1. Marilyn played a mother in two movies during her lifetime. What were the movies called? 2. After "Something's Got To Give," her studio, 20th Century Fox, only needed one more movie from Marilyn in order for her contract to be up. They had already planned the movie, and were going to start soon after SGTG was finnished. What was the name of the movie going to be?
 December's Questions and Answers Were: ************************************** Q: Out of Marilyn's 3 husbands, who are the only two still living? A: Jim Dougherty and Arthur Miller Q: In what movie did Marilyn sing her first song? A: Ladies Of The Chorus-1948 January's Questions and Answers: ************************************** Q: In Ladies Of The Chorus, what is the name of the actor that plays the man who falls in love with Peggy? A: Rand Brooks (Fact: Rand played Charles Hamilton in Gone With The Wind in 1939) Q: In 1953's Niagara, in the scene that Marilyn dies, she wears a black suit. On what other real life occasion did she wear this same suit? A: Marilyn wore the same suit to Johnny Hyde's funeral. February's Questions and Answers: ************************************** Q: In "Some Like It Hot," what line took over 70 takes for Marilyn to get right? A: "Where's that bourbon?" Q:1961's "The Misfits," Marilyn is showing her temporary landlord what her and Gay did to the bedroom, what is the first blooper that you come across? A: When the owner of the house looks in the closet, there are pictures of Marilyn from when she was much younger. March's Questions and Answers: ************************************** Q: When Marilyn was a little girl, what was her favorite song? A: "Jesus Loves Me" Q: In 1954's "There's No Business Like Show Business," what outfit did Marilyn wear that caused such a stir over Hollywood? A: Marilyn was wearing the dress that she performed "Heat Wave" in. April's Questions and Answers: ************************************** Q: In 1988, an employee at Fox found the legendary footage from SGTG, which was claimed to have been destroyed. He took the footage to a local theater to watch with family, friends, and members of what fan club? A: The Marilyn Remembered Fan Club Q: While photographer, George Barris were on a photo shoot at the beach, amongst the huge crowd of people that had developed, what was the name of the actress standing to the side by herself? A: Mae West May's Questions and Answers: ************************************** Q: What role in what film, did Marilyn want desperately, but lost to her enemy? A: Cleopatra. She lost it to Elizabeth Taylor. Q: During "Something's Got To Give," Marilyn was terribly sick. What did she have? A: Sinusitis ************************************** Q: How many days did it take to complete "Ladies Of The Chorus?" A: 10 Q: Norma Jeane was named after two different actresses. What were their names? A: Norma Talmadge and Jean Eagles